Files overview & Hello world
This video will introduce the three files required for a SquidASM simulation and show how to run a “hello world” level application in SquidASM using a code tutorial.
Main takeaways
- One should be able to create and run your own “hello world” level application.
- One should have a rough understanding of the purpose of these files:
- : The file containing the programs that make up the application.
- The file that combines both the application and network and runs the simulation
- Config.yaml: The file describing the quantum network
Further thinking
In the line `q1.cnot(q2)` where `q1` and `q2` are Qubit objects, `q1` is the target qubit and `q2` is the control qubit for this CNOT gate. True or False?
Further reading
More details regarding SquidASM, can be found on its documentation page: