QNE-ADK Installation
To make it possible to extend the Quantum Network Explorer with new applications, the Application Development Kit for Quantum Network Explorer (QNE-ADK) has been developed. QNE-ADK includes everything that is needed to build quantum network applications yourself. In this video, we will go through what is needed to install the QNE-ADK on your system and go over some of the basic commands to start using the QNE-ADK.
Main takeaways
- The main python packages needed for using QNE-ADK
- The prerequisites for installing QNE-ADK
- How to install QNE-ADK and test the installation
- How to use the command line for:
- the help systems
- local and remote commands
- Basic commands for listing, creating, validating applications and experiments
Further thinking
What does ADK in QNE-ADK stand for?
Further reading
For QNE-ADK installation hints see also the knowledge base of Quantum Network Explorer
The latest version for installing QNE-ADK can be found on github: