What is auto-tuning?
This video introduces a concept of automated tuning of quantum devices and gives overview of different stages of tuning.
Prerequisite knowledge
Since you are following this course, you are probably comfortable with the concept of a quantum dot. But if you need extra refresher, you can watch this short lecture by Menno Veldhorst: https://www.qutube.nl/courses-10/quantum-computer-12/capturing-a-single-electron-334
Main takeaways
- Tuning, on theoretical level, always translates into optimization problem
- This optimization problem can manifest differently for different stages of tuning
- Generally tuning of quantum dots can be categorized into the following stages: initial tune-up, quantum dot configuration, charge-state calibration, fine tuning.
Further thinking
Which of the following is NOT a desired property of an auto-tuning algorithm:
a. Can be numerical, analytical, or both
b. Requires human input.
c. Automatically adjusts controllable parameters.
d. Continuously tunes up quantum gate.
Further reading
Very nice general overview of quantum dot tuning by Justyna Zwolak and Jake Taylor https://journals.aps.org/rmp/abstract/10.1103/RevModPhys.95.011006