Implementation of microwave drivers
We will now dive deeply into how to drive multiple qubits with the same coaxial line. This approach is called FDMA and uses different frequencies to propagate signals for different qubits. In this video you will learn how FDMA works, what challenges it poses, and you will see an experimental demonstration with the Horse Ridge chip.
Prerequisite knowledge
- Quantum control and readout for spin qubtis
- Micro-architectures
- Quantum-classic interface
- Microwave drivers for qubits
Further Thinking
A signal that we want to sample has a bandwidth of 200 MHz. What is the smallest sampling frequency that we can use to do this?
What is the frequency at which the |0> and |1> probabilities oscillate in a driven qubit known as?
Further reading
For more details about frequency-multiplexed control of qubits see
For more details about Horse Ridge see